What is age-related hearing loss?

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  • Source:Cheap Hearing Aids
There are many tiny hair cells in the human inner ear. These capillary cells are specially used to collect sounds and transmit them to the brain through the auditory nervous system.

What is age-related hearing loss?
Senile hearing loss refers to the slow and progressive aging process of the human body's auditory organs along with other tissues and organs of the body due to the increase of age, and the physiological phenomenon of hearing loss occurs.
As age increases, the human body's auditory organs undergo a slow aging process together with other tissues and organs of the body. During this process, a physiological phenomenon called bilateral symmetrical hearing loss occurs. Presbycusis is the most common form of sensory hearing loss and is characterized by progressive deterioration in auditory sensitivity, loss of hearing sensory cells, and weakening of central processing functions during aging.

The causes of age-related hearing loss are divided into two types:

The first type: natural degeneration, fast or slow It varies from person to person, and hearing loss caused simply by aging is less common.

The second type: hearing loss related to external factors, including environmental noise, taking ototoxic drugs, antibiotics, or other diseases (such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes), etc. .

Elderly people with severe hearing loss are often isolated from family and friends, so some studies have even pointed out the correlation between hearing loss and Alzheimer's disease .

The hearing loss of the elderly can be achieved by adjusting appropriate hearing aids to enjoy a beautiful family life and maintain good communication and interaction with relatives and friends to achieve physical and mental recovery. health purposes.

Studies have even pointed to a correlation between hearing loss and Alzheimer’s disease. Elderly people with hearing loss can achieve physical and mental health by adjusting appropriate hearing aids to enjoy beautiful family happiness and maintain good communication and interaction with relatives and friends.