Will tinnitus worsen in winter?

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  • Source:Cheap Hearing Aids
The weather in winter is relatively cold and the climate is relatively dry. Under the influence of various environmental factors, tinnitus can easily relapse or worsen. Therefore, in winter, tinnitus patients should pay special attention to the changes in their tinnitus, and combine prevention and treatment to be aware of it.

Will winter worsen tinnitus?
(1) In the cold winter, blood vessels are generally prone to constriction, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain. In this case, if you have had tinnitus before, you must go to the hospital for treatment once the condition worsens. , so in winter, you must pay attention to keep warm and never catch cold.
(2) In winter, you can eat more foods rich in calcium, iron, and zinc in your diet, which will help expand capillaries, thereby improving the blood supply to the inner ear, so as to prevent patients from hearing loss. At the same time, you can get enough sleep and relieve stress reasonably.
(3) When tinnitus occurs, patients must stay away from noisy environments. Patients can also regularly massage their ears to promote blood circulation in the inner ear. For example, they can massage the lower auricle, pinch the earlobe, and press frequently. Fengchi point, these can reduce tinnitus.

Strengthening prevention is the prerequisite

In terms of diet, you should eat more foods containing calcium, iron, and zinc to help expand capillaries. , improve the blood supply to the inner ear and prevent hearing loss; it is also important to ensure adequate sleep, maintain a happy mood, and reasonably relieve stress.

Be sure to stay away from noisy environments and massage your ears regularly to promote blood circulation in the inner ear. If tinnitus patients have other physical diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc., which may cause ear lesions, they must actively treat the related underlying diseases.

Under normal circumstances, tinnitus will affect hearing to a greater or lesser extent. However, some tinnitus, especially tinnitus caused by various ear diseases, is more closely related to hearing loss. Such as Meniere's disease, otitis media, acoustic neuroma, etc. Some tinnitus is not necessarily related to hearing loss, such as tinnitus caused by systemic diseases such as hypertension, anemia, and diabetes. Patients have been troubled by tinnitus for many years, but their hearing can remain normal or stable.

Experts point out that brain atrophy and Alzheimer's disease are related to hearing loss and tinnitus. Long-term hearing loss and tinnitus can make people upset, worried, worried, anxious, depressed, etc. If the elderly have hearing loss and do not receive sound signal stimulation for a long time, the ability of the hearing system, including the auditory center, to process sound information will quickly decrease, which will aggravate the degree of hearing loss and tinnitus; communication will also decrease and accelerateAs people's minds age, the elderly will become withdrawn, have dementia, their ability to communicate will decline, and their quality of life will be greatly affected.

In addition, tinnitus and hearing loss can also have a serious impact on our mental and physical health. First, it affects mood and sleep. Long-term severe tinnitus can cause emotional changes such as worry, anxiety, and depression. Especially in the dead of night, tinnitus becomes more severe, making it difficult to fall asleep, creating a vicious cycle. In addition, work and family will be affected. Because I can't hear other people's speech clearly, and I have to endure the huge pain caused by tinnitus, but often cannot be understood by others, my work efficiency decreases, and I gradually lose interest in work and study. Many people seek medical treatment for tinnitus and take medication for a long time, causing financial losses and even huge financial pressure. Some even affect the harmony of couples and families.