What are the symptoms in daily life if hearing loss at high frequencies is more severe than at low frequencies?

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  • Source:Cheap Hearing Aids
In daily life, some people will suffer from low-frequency hearing loss due to excessive emotional fluctuations, and some people will suffer from hearing loss due to excessive work pressure. If you don't know how to make timely adjustments, your condition can easily get worse.

What are the symptoms in daily life if hearing loss at high frequencies is more severe than at low frequencies?

In fact, there is a kind of hearing loss in which high-frequency hearing loss is more serious than low-frequency hearing loss. Low-frequency hearing loss refers to the inability to hear sounds below 1KHZ clearly, and the patient has low sensitivity to bass. High-frequency hearing loss refers to the inability to hear sounds above 2KHZ, and patients have poor ability to accept high-pitched sounds.

Hearing loss and high-frequency loss are mainly manifested by speech intelligibility. It is more difficult to hear some relatively high-pitched sounds, such as women and children speaking loudly. There are relatively many audio frequencies. Or some high-frequency words in speech such as zhi, chi, si, etc. may not be heard clearly.

Manifestation 1: Can’t hear other people’s voices clearly, especially female voices talking to children or smaller voices;
Manifestation 2: Can’t hear clearly the voices of two or more people talking ;
Performance three: unclear pronunciation and enunciation, "big tongue" phenomenon, not fond of talking or communicating with others;
Performance four: unable to hear birds, insects or phone ringing and other key sounds with higher frequencies;
Performance 5. The sound is unnatural and uncomfortable.

Hearing loss occurs in different ways in different frequency bands. High-frequency speech intelligibility is greater, so high-frequency loss is severe and resolution will generally be poor. The problem of hearing sounds but not being able to hear what you are saying is that the loudness of low frequencies is high and can easily be heard over long distances. Therefore, low frequencies are difficult to hear, and small sounds are more difficult to hear.

High frequencies are more serious than low frequencies. What are the precautions when fitting hearing aids?

High frequencies that are more severe than low frequencies are generally a steep decline type of hearing loss, which is a sensorineural deafness. It is mainly used to solve the problem of listening in noisy environments.

1. Appearance
/> When choosing the appearance of the hearing aid, you should pay attention to the ear-blocking effect caused by low frequencies. You can choose open fitting, which means choosing a hearing aid with an external receiver. In this case, the compensation of high frequencies will be more ideal.

2. In terms of power
First, the patient’s own hearing compensation needs to be met, and then a hearing aid with appropriate power needs to be selected. Generally speaking, when selecting the power for sensorineural hearing loss, you can consider reserving 10db on the average hearing threshold of 500Hz-2000Hz, for mixed hearing loss, 10-15db, and for conductive hearing loss, 15-

3. Functionally
The functional requirements for hearing aids are very high, and it is best to have excellent sound quality, including signal processing, noise reduction, feedback suppression, frequency shifting and other functions. When the high frequency difference or high frequency is completely missing and cannot be compensated by gain, the frequency can be shifted to compensate for the mid-to-high frequency, so that more sounds can be heard as much as possible.

4. Channel
First of all, you must know that multi-channel can improve the optimization ability of debugging frequency. The more channels, the more delicate the sound; general recommendations for high-frequency steep drop-off hearing Choose multi-channel hearing aids to provide reasonable and effective compensation according to hearing loss in different frequency bands.

5. Wearing in both ears

If you can wear hearing aids in both ears, you can gradually exercise the hearing function of both ears by wearing hearing aids in both ears, which can not only improve the sound perception Discrimination can also improve the clarity of speech.