What is the difference between brain tinnitus and tinnitus?

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Sometimes, there will be a buzzing sound in the human brain, or a sound like the chirping of crickets, accompanied by symptoms such as soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, dizziness, and the patient's memory is greatly reduced. These are obvious symptoms of brain buzzing, and behind them may be Caused by disease factors such as brain atrophy and leukemia, it must be emphasized that tinnitus and tinnitus are two completely different symptoms.

What is the difference between tinnitus and cerebral tinnitus?
There is a certain difference between tinnitus and brain ringing. Brain ringing is mostly caused by mental factors such as excessive mental stress and is a functional disease. Tinnitus refers to a disease in which the auditory organs feel abnormal sounds without being stimulated by external sounds, which is a disorder of auditory function. Most patients with tinnitus have anxiety symptoms, as well as restlessness, palpitation, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Some patients also experience neck stiffness and discomfort. This is usually due to the patient's lack of physical exercise, resulting in head and neck muscle spasm or compression. It is caused by insufficient blood supply to the blood vessels in the neck, which can be relieved by the patient after resting. The cause of tinnitus is more complicated, mainly caused by emotional factors, fatigue, and lack of oxygen in the ears.

Brain ringing: Brain ringing is the awareness of various sounds in the head, such as running water, buzzing, birdsong, insects, etc., which can be loud or persistent, making people irritable. Restlessness, restlessness, unbearable, often accompanied by tinnitus, soreness of waist and knees, dizziness, dizziness, memory loss and other symptoms, affecting sleep, life, work, etc.

Causes: Mainly include the following categories: brain diseases such as brain tumors, inflammation, degeneration, brain atrophy, stroke, arteriosclerosis and insufficient blood supply to the brain; systemic diseases such as hypertension, hypotension, and anemia , kidney disease, toxemia, leukemia, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, etc.; Ear diseases: Tinnitus and other symptoms are common, but they are ringing in the ears rather than in the brain. Ear examinations can often reveal psychosomatic diseases. In particular, the disease may be related to stress and anxiety. Due to long-term stress, anxiety, and high work pressure, these patients may also suffer from poor sleep, emotional instability, lack of concentration, lack of physical strength, palpitation, shortness of breath, and cerebral palsy in addition to brain tinnitus. There are many subjective symptoms such as blank feeling, body pain, dizziness, headache, etc., but objective examination often does not reveal organic lesions. In the past, diagnoses were "neurosis", "neurasthenia", "vegetative nerve dysfunction", etc. Now, after clinical psychological evaluation, most patients have anxiety disorder, depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder; other reasons such as the use of certain drugs are also Can cause tinnitus in the brain.

Tinnitus refers to the abnormal sound sensation that people have without any external stimulation. It is often a precursor to deafness and is caused by auditory dysfunction. Caused by ear lesions often coexist with deafness or vertigo. If it is caused by other factors, it may not be accompanied by deafness or vertigo.

Cause: Violence and long-term noise exposure can lead to hearing loss and tinnitus. High-risk groups (working in high-intensity noise environments) should pay attention to noise protection. Such as reducing noise sources or wearing protective earmuffs, earplugs, etc. thisIn addition, be careful not to use the Walkman headphones at high volume for a long time in a noisy environment. Tinnitus is easily aggravated when you are under high mental stress or physical fatigue for a long time. Some patients have tinnitus caused by medications. In addition, caffeine and alcohol can often aggravate the symptoms of tinnitus: Smoking can reduce blood oxygen, and the inner ear hair cells are extremely sensitive to oxygen, so hypoxia can cause damage to the hair cells, so pay attention to changing bad habits. .

Some people have brain ringing and tinnitus caused by psychological stress, anxiety and depression. The condition worsens when they are in a bad mood and lessens when they are in a good mood. Such patients can Go see a psychiatrist. Although tinnitus and brain tinnitus are not organic diseases, they will develop into organic diseases over time, leading to complete deafness in the ears, poor blood flow, and lack of energy.

In my personal opinion, it is not clinically appropriate to distinguish between tinnitus and cerebral tinnitus or cranial ringing. In fact, it is impossible to distinguish them. It is just the main complaint of the patient. Moreover, the current treatment for tinnitus is aimed at abnormal discharges in the brain. There are currently various methods such as sound stimulation, electrical stimulation, afferent nerve stimulation, magnetic stimulation, etc. Current methods have been able to improve tinnitus symptoms very well, but they are not based on distinguishing tinnitus from brain ringing or cranial ringing. Therefore, finding reasonable causes of tinnitus and carrying out targeted treatments are the current focus.